World Emoji Day: Lifeway launches Christian emoji app
July 17 is World Emoji Day (apparently it’s a thing) but we can’t have Christians using secular emojis where even the humble eggplant (aubergine for our British readers) has been corrupted.
So what better day for Lifeway Christian Bookstore to launch their new texting app called “Emojis U Need In Church,” or, E.U.N.I.C. for short.
This new app deletes all of the “unacceptable” emojis from your smartphone and replaces them with Christian emojis that you can use in church.
Due to copyright constraints, we cannot show you the emojis here, but we can describe them to you.
- Side Hug Emoji: Do you want to send someone a digital hug but still want to “leave room for Jesus”? Send them a side hug! What could be more Christ-like than that?!
- Fake Smile Emoji: These are abundant in churches so of course, a Christian would want these on their smartphones! A fake smile emoji is also useful if you are still doing church via zoom. Cheaper than paying for those church acting lessons.
- Silent Singing Emoji: Because singing in church is now illegal in California (Yes, really), Christians in church will have to worship God via silent song, or just moving their lips. Let those you text know that you are not singing while texting, by sending a silent song symbol.
- I Will Pray For You Later, Maybe, Kind Of, Emoji: It’s rare that a Christian will actually follow through with their comments of “I’ll pray for you” in spite of this being an abundantly used phrase; we all are just too busy. Send this one to let others know you thought about praying for them.
- Doin’ Fine Emoji: Everyone who attends church is always “doing fine” so, why not remind others of this?! Every time you send this emoji a circle filled with slapping hands will pop up and a robot will recite (not sing) the following words to the recipient: “Hello Christian, how are you? I’m doing fine and so are you.”
And in addition, the app takes previously secular emojis and replaces them with a new Christian meaning. Check these out:
? I am convicted of my sins
? I’m raising my hands in praise – but not really, as I’m a Baptist
? Give us today our daily bread
? I think my pastor is a heretic
? I’m encouraging my pastor by pretending his joke was funny
? Revival is happenin’
? yes, I am still awake – my eyes were closed because I was praying
? the sermon has finished – only one song standing between me and food
Have we missed any? Let us know in the comments!
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