George HW Bush dies: CNN announces 24 hour ceasefire on criticising republicans


Former US president George HW Bush has died at age 94.

Out of respect, CNN has announced a 24-hour ceasefire on criticising Republicans.

A spokesman had this to say, “For years we have criticised Republicans including the 41st president, but after a death, we like to take a day to say all the good things we omitted to say during his life.”

He added, “Some say we’re exhibiting amnesia upon someone’s death but we’d like to assure the public that we shall resume our usual programming tomorrow.”

CNN received praise from other broadcasters for their patience.  A spokeswoman from ABC News said, “Most stations just have one conciliatory article and then get right back to it.  I think this action shows the great character of the leadership team at CNN to resist getting another kick in about Desert Storm.”

However, many on Twitter are confused about the correct response to take.

Should they be angry that CNN hasn’t used today to drive home the George HW Bush’s pardoning of war crimes?  But then with many Kuwaiti’s expressing gratitude for being liberated from Saddam’s dictatorship, will they be seen to criticising Muslims?

Tom Franks, a socialist blogger and activist had this to say, “I understand a lot of people are confused, especially with Obama tweeting kind things and people circulating the kind letter he left on the Oval Office desk for Bill Clinton.  But as long as you embrace hypocrisy as a foundation of your belief system then it’s an easy choice to make: *@!#*** you Bush!”

Reporter: John Spencer aka Not the Bible

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