George HW Bush Funeral: Trump faces Apostles Creed Catch 22


It’s a tricky thing to know what to do when faced with the Apostle’s Creed, especially when it’s at something as important as the George HW Bush funeral, the 41st president.

I mean the Creed is pretty in-your-face stuff, saying how you believe in God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit and all that.

For Trump his choices were:

  • Say the Creed and then get criticised for how his actions don’t line up with what he is declaring
  • Don’t say the Creed and then get criticised for how he didn’t when everyone else did.

Trump went for option B.

Which was the wrong choice.

As was option A.

And so he was criticised as the “Evangelical Hero who didn’t say the Creed!”

I mean Bill Clinton said it. 

Bishop Curry who’s a liberal as they come and confuses pop songs with the Bible said it. 

And heck even Muslim Obama said it!

So why didn’t Trump say it?

It’s not like you have to mean it or anything.

We at the Cee asked Jed Walker, an up-and-coming hipster pastor at Radiant Love Depot church

“We don’t do liturgy as it’s so last millennia, but if Trump knew anything about Christianity he would have realised that what you say in church and what you do in real life are like distant acquaintances.  You might wave at each other at a distance, maybe even nod and smile, but then you carry on with your happy life independently.  You see what counts is the performance.”

Jed continued, “God is most impressed when you put on a real good act for him.  I mean, don’t hold back with the emotion and being in the moment.  Cry out with tears how you’ll follow him to the ends of the earth.  He loves it.  And then once that’s done you can tick that box and get on with the rest of your week.”

Jed paused and took off his cool glasses and chewed on them thoughtfully before adding, “I mean when someone chooses not to go along with everyone else, it just makes people feel awkward.  They might ask questions about why they do what they do.  And before long they’ll be thinking about whether they should actually start living what they say they believe.  And that’s a slippery slope that leads to anarchy like the Reformation.”

Reporter: John Spencer aka Not the Bible

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