Standford University Introduces VBS Volunteer Trauma Therapy Program
Stanford University has announced the launching of a new Graduate Program into its ever expanding behavioral science department. The new VBS Volunteer Trauma Therapy Program has been greatly needed and long awaited. Course work will begin in the fall semester of 2018.
For years, ever since the birth of the summer Vacation Bible School (VBS) concept, volunteers have been traumatized by children’s behavioral issues such as: inability to remain in one chair for more than 30 seconds, failure to find their “inside voice,” running in the church sanctuary, spilling Kool-Aid rather than drinking it. Then there are the food allergies, bladder issues, runny noses, skinned knees and other injuries, misplaced shoes and other clothing items. And what VBS volunteer hasn’t had to deal with kids left at church when parents “lose track of time” and forget to pick up their child. All combined, it takes a toll on those who volunteer after being told how much fun they’ll have.
Experts have compared VBS Volunteer Trauma to P.T.S.D. and have been working on a program to adequately train therapists in this very specialized area.
Thanks to Stanford University and its new VBS Volunteer Trauma Therapy Program, many will finally receive the help they need to recover. Developers of the program realize that the help is only temporary and most suffering from this disorder will relapse come next year’s VBS.
Reporter: Dr Parson Peeves